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Pension contributions and pension carry forward rules


You are limited each year to total pension contributions of the lower

of £40,000 or 100% of your income; in this context, income excludes

rental income, investment income and dividend income. If you are

self-employed with profits above £40,000, or employed with a salary

above this figure, then you can make the maximum contributions.

However, if you are the owner and director of your own company,

then your company can make direct payments into your pension,

irrespective of your personal salary level. If you are contributing to a

workplace pension, these payments form part of your £40,000 annual


The £40,000 “per year” means per personal tax year – e.g. 6 April

2023 to5 April 2024, 6 April 2024 to 5 April 2025. If you are going

through the employer contribution route (see below) and your

company year is not aligned with these dates, it is possible to have

two amounts of £40,000 going out of your company within the same

company year. As an example, if your company year runs 1 July 2022

to 30 June 2023, you could make one payment before 5 April 2023

and the other after.

These two types of contributions, personal and employer, have

different tax implications.

Personal contributions: these are made out of after-tax income and

are not treated as a deduction from taxable profits if you are self-

employed. HMRC refund the equivalent of basic rate tax into your

pension. Assume you have a profit of £10,000 on which you pay basic

rate tax of £2,000. You then invest £8,000 into your pension and

HMRC top this up by £2,000, so the whole £10,000 is now in your

pension. The key point here is you do not feel like you are getting any

tax relief, even though you are.

Employer contributions: the employer pays £10,000 into your pension

plan and gets a deduction for the contribution against profits. You end

up with £10,000 in your pension.

If you are unable to make the maximum level of contribution in any

year, you can carry forward the excess to be utilised in any of the

three successive years. However, to be able to utilise this, you have to

make the maximum contribution for the current year, before using the

previously unused amount.

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